Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment, Symptoms & Causes

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

CarpalTunnelSyndromejpgPeople suffering from a nagging pain and/or numbness in their wrists may be suffering from a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a serious condition that can be treated by qualified members of the medical profession using a number of different methods and treatments.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that develops due to the compression of the nerves that are located in the wrist and upper palm area. This condition is described by Wikipedia as a “median entrapment neuropathy that causes paresthesia, pain, numbness, and other symptoms.” The carpal tunnel itself is actually a set of three small bones in the wrist that form the shape of an arch. The nerves that travel through these small bones of the hand and fingers become constricted and cause pain and numbness.


The symptoms that one encounters include such things as numbness and pain in the hand, fingers, or both. The fingers that are commonly affected are the three fingers of the hand; the ring finger, the middle finger, and the index finger. Loss of grip and gripping power is a symptom of this condition. Often symptoms are worse at night when wrists and hands are held in one tight position.

Causes & Risk Factors

The causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are varied and often disputed among professionals. Health concerns that may affect the development of this condition include such possibilities as:

•pre-diabetes and diabetes
•manual work
•prolonged use of vibrating tools
•repetitive tasks
•oral contraceptives
•tumors and cysts

When this type of injury occurs it is inevitable that a doctor will need to make a diagnosis regarding the treatment of this condition. This condition does not clear up on it’s own, and requires treatment. In the most severe of cases, surgery is required to attempt to repair the damage.


The treatment for this condition is dependant on the amount of damage that is already done to the nerves and wrist area. The most common carpal tunnel syndrome treatments include such procedures as splints, steroids, or surgery. The recommended course of action includes implementing the least invasive techniques first.


Receiving injections of corticosteroids may lessen the pain that is associated with this condition. This is not a long-term solution for this injury. This treatment is administered to patients who are experiencing extreme amounts of pain. Injections are meant as a pain controller until other methods of treatment can be administered.


These splints are constructed of a soft material that is padded with soft but sturdy cushioning. There is a metal bar that spans the length of the interior of the splint. These immobilizing splints are worn following the recommendation of the physician. Treatment is normally under physician observance for anywhere from two to seven weeks. If there are no significant improvements, new methods are tested.


In extreme cases of CTS, it is necessary to perform surgery to sever the transverse carpal ligament. This type of surgery is recommended to those patients who have a constant pain in the wrist and hand. Results from this surgery depend on a number of factors, including the extent of the initial damage, individual healing abilities, and practicing proper physical therapy requirements.

People who suffer from pain and numbness in the wrist, hand, and fingers may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. When numbness, holding on to objects, and flexing your hand have you in tears, do visit Dr Siow for a proper treatment of this syndrome.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment & Surgery

  • Wrist splinting that holds your wrist still while you sleep can help relieve night time symptoms of tingling and numbness.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Cortisone Injection
  • Surgery

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